High Performance Woodfired Ovens

Professional Stainless Steel Peels & Pizza Blades

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Made in Italy. REGINA is the ultimate in professional pizza peels. Very light, flexible, for the real artists of the pizza.

Professional Steel Pizza Peels

Stainless Steel Round Peel

Stainless steel round blade. To spin and remove pizzas from the oven.

Code: P18/160 P20/160 P23/160 P26/160
Blade Diameter: 18cm 20cm 23cm 26cm
Handle Length: 160cm 160cm 160cm 160cm
Overall Length: 178cm 180cm 183cm 186cm
Weight: 1.00kg 1.05kg 1.10kg 1.20kg
Professional Steel Pizza Peels
Code: P18/180 P20/180 P23/180 P26/180
Blade Diameter: 18cm 20cm 23cm 26cm
Handle Length: 180cm 180cm 180cm 180cm
Overall Length: 198cm 200cm 203cm 206cm
Weight: 1.05kg 1.10kg 1.15kg 1.25kg
Professional Steel Pizza Peels

Stainless Steel Perforated Round Peel

Stainless steel perforated round pizza blades. To spin and remove pizzas from the oven.

Code: P18F/160 P20F/160 P23F/160 P26F/160
Blade Diameter: 18cm 20cm 23cm 26cm
Handle Length: 160cm 160cm 160cm 160cm
Overall Length: 178cm 180cm 183cm 186cm
Weight: 0.95kg 1.00kg 1.05kg 1.15kg
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