High Performance Woodfired Ovens

Privacy Policy

Privacy and Your Personal Information

Vesuvio Wood Fired Ovens has voluntarily committed to complying with the NSW Privacy and Personal Information Protection Act 1998 (the Act). This commitment has been made by Vesuvio Wood Fired Ovens to protect the privacy of its customers, business contacts and employees.

This policy sets out how Vesuvio Wood Fired Ovens collects uses and discloses personal information, including your right of access and correction. It applies equally to conventional and electronic information.

Collection Accuracy, Retention and Security

Vesuvio Wood Fired Ovens WILL:

  • Collect and retain personal information only if it is necessary for one of our functions or activities and will do this in a lawful, fair and reasonable way;
  • Take reasonable steps to ensure that the personal information collected is relevant, not excessive, accurate, complete and up-to-date;
  • Take reasonable steps to ensure the protection of personal information from misuse, loss, and unauthorised access, modification and disclosure;
  • Retain personal information for no longer than is necessary for legitimate purposes; and 5. Destroy or permanently de-identify personal information, which is no longer used or required. 6. Only use this information for legitimate business purposes
  • Destroy or permanently de-identify personal information, which is no longer used or required.
  • Only use this information for legitimate business purposes

Discloser and Use

Vesuvio Wood Fired Ovens WILL:

  • Use collected information to provide the services you have requested or to meet the purpose for which the information was submitted. The information may also be aggregated for customer research purposes;
  • Not collect, use or disclose sensitive information, such as information about a persons health, except with specific consent or in circumstances permitted by the Act;
  • Ensure information provided to us will only be disclosed to a third party to the extent required to provide the requested services or to meet the purpose for which the information was submitted;
  • Respect your wishes, if you tell us that you do not wish to have your personal information used or disclosed for a particular purpose, unless this is not legally or practically possible;

What information do we gather from you?

  • Information you give us
  • Information automatically gathered
  • E-mail communications
  • Information from other sources such as letters, mailed orders, telephone orders etc.

Do we share the information that we gather from you?

  • It is strictly our business policy NOT to share any of the information you give us with anyone else possessing a business Interest unless you specify that you would like to do this.
  • The only time information may be shared is for security and verification purposes which also ensure your safety as a consumer.
  • Information you give us may be used by Vesuvio Wood Fired Ovens for any up-coming promotional offers, please let us know if you do NOT want us to include you. Please state this to Vesuvio Wood Fired Ovens when communicating with them.

Enquiries and Access

If you wish to know more about privacy practices at Vesuvio Wood Fired Ovens, or wish to review or make changes to your personal information held by Vesuvio Wood Fired Ovens, you may contact Vesuvio Wood Fired Ovens. Vesuvio Wood Fired Ovens will make all reasonable efforts to promptly deal with your inquiry.

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